Set yourself up for success with personal one to one coaching

An optional add-on to the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery Plus and Premium.

A short period of coaching can help to propel you forwards. 

Evolve coaching will provide weekly accountability, give new insights, advice and support, keep you focussed and help you progress dramatically. 

It can help to boost your confidence and accelerate your results.

Deborah worked in the field of coaching and organisational change before she became a raw food chef.  Evolve coaching is built on her professional development experience.


This is a pilot ADD-ON to the programme to see how it goes within the Diploma to see if it is wanted/needed. 


You must be part of the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery Plus, Premium or the original cohort in order to participate in Evolve Coaching.

If you are not taking part in the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery, but are interested in private coaching for your raw food lifestyle or business, email [email protected] 


Please email Deborah - [email protected] outlining what you would like the coaching to help you with.

Evolve Coaching might be for you if your answer to any of these is YES!


  • You would like 6 months of personal accountability and coaching support whilst you work through the Diploma materials,

  • You are excited by the thought of extra support and further dialogue on the Diploma course content,

  • You feel more comfortable in one-to-one private teaching scenarios,

  • You need extra focus to avoid external distractions and potential self-sabotage so you keep on track and complete the Diploma,

  • You would benefit from a private sounding board for ideas, 

  • You would benefit from weekly motivation to move forward faster, stronger and with confidence,

  • You have a spark of an idea for a raw food business but feel frustrated, confused and overwhelmed with where to start,

  • You would benefit from gaining clarity on your business ideas, explore options, develop strategies and ideas for your action plan for growth,

  • You want to design and plan your own raw food event or product so it is a complete success,

  • You want to create an inspiring new menu for a forthcoming pop up event or retreat…and a step by step action plan for how to make it run smoothly,

  • You want to develop your idea for a raw food product or product range,

  • You want support with business modelling, costing, pricing, production, and packaging,

  • You can’t wait to create an exciting, profitable, and successful raw food or plant-based business that you love.


How does the Evolve coaching work?

Each coaching session is 1:1  with Deborah via zoom or skype.

There will be 12 sessions in total, roughly 2 per month, anticipated every other week.

In the alternate weeks, participants are required to submit a proforma charting progress over the previous week, for accountability. 

Do I have to be taking the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery to take part in Evolve coaching?

Yes, either as one of the original cohort, or the Diploma Plus or Premium packages. If you are not taking part in these programmes and would benefit from coaching, please connect with Deborah to discuss your needs -  [email protected] 

How long is each coaching session?

Each session will last approximately 60 minutes. 

Is this coaching undertaken by Deborah?


What kinds of questions can I bring to discuss at my coaching sessions?

Anything concerned with your raw chef lifestyle or business practice.  

You may need coaching around keeping on track with raw food, involving your family, your relationship with food.

You may need guidance about recipe development or menu creation or catering for a specific event. 

You may wish to have a more in-depth discussion about the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery material or simply relish the opportunity to immerse yourself in more discussion about raw food for two hours every month.  

You may need guidance over the focus and development of a business idea, or development of a product.

You may want support developing a plan for business growth.

You might want to focus on step by step planning of a raw food pop up event or raw food retreat, or support working through costings or packaging options.      

If you require consultancy advice - ie Deborah to develop recipes, products and final packaged solutions for your business, this is not covered under the terms of the coaching. But, you could use the coaching sessions to support you to develop your own products.   

When does the coaching start?

That's completely up to you. 

Will I have to complete the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery by the time my coaching ends?

No, there is no time limit on completion of the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery content. Your Evolve coaching is there to support you for 6 months to achieve your goals.

What happens at the end of my coaching?

I hope you will have achieved the goals you set for the coaching at the outset. We will then discuss what your next steps will be. Let’s see where you all are at the end.

What are the dates for the coaching sessions?

You will receive a link to access Deborah's diary to book yourself into coaching sessions.  Or we can negotiate the same slot every other week.   

“You should be so proud Deb. I'm so lucky to have changed my career because of you." 

Elaine Douglas, Naturopathic Clinical Nutritionist, Belfast

Yes! I'm ready to Evolve

I am a participant in the Diploma in Raw Chef Mastery Plus/Premium.

Who am I?

My name is Deb Durrant, I’m the founder of Deliciously Raw and I am a plant-based raw food chef.

Not many people know this about me, but before I became a raw food chef, I worked in the field of personal and organisational development and change for 25 years. I have coached hundreds of people in creative businesses to realise their dreams and make them vibrant and profitable.  

I am a qualified plant-based raw food chef AND I hold a Master’s Degree in Change Agent Skills and Strategies from the University of Surrey (that means I hold a robust 4 year academic qualification in supporting people JUST LIKE YOU through making personal development changes and facilitating groups.) I also hold the Four Fields Mark in Transactional Analysis and I'm a Certified Cultural Transformation Tools Consultant.

I have been lucky to secure articles in national magazines including Prima and Woman Magazine. My work was hailed as ‘confection perfection’ in British Vogue.  I’ve appeared on the regional BBC networks. 

My Deliciously Raw training courses were shortlisted to the last 6 for the Looking to Cook Awards: Best Short Cookery Course in the UK and Ireland. I was in good company with Jamie Oliver on the shortlist too. 

I received the Raw Food Hero Platinum Award 2015 from Imperfectly Natural.

I’ve learned a thing or two about selling raw food products. I’ve had stands selling at many regional and national shows including V Delicious at Kensington Olympia and The Ideal Home Christmas Show at Earls Court. I have a Deliciously Raw Deli business supplying companies and independent customers.  

I’ve developed numerous multicourse  raw tasting menus for pop ups and other events and had the pleasure of being a personal chef for private fine dining clients.

I don't leave those skills and my experience behind me when I design my raw chef training programmes - I just use the skills and don't talk about them - but it means that you will receive support that accelerates and embeds your learning to get results.  

Vegetarian Society Approved

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